Sunday, August 31, 2008

Tau Sha (Red Bean) Pau

Pau Dough
Plain Flour 250g
Self Raising Flour 50g
Caster Sugar 40g
Oil 40ml
Luke Warm water 150 ml
Yeast 10g
Sugar 1tsp

1. Dissolve 1 tsp sugar in water, and add in yeast, leave to ferment.
2. Sieve plain flour, self raising flour in mixing bowl, add in sugar and oil, pour in yeast mixture and mix well.
3. Knead dough until soft not sticky (don’t too hard, will kill yeast, danger)

Pau Filing
Red Bean 300g
Sugar 150g
Oil 100g

1. Cook the 红豆in water, until soft (open flower)
2. Blend the red bean
3. Put half the oil in pan, add in the 红豆paste, sugar, fry and stir until does not stick to wok. At the same time, add in the rest of the oil (does not apply non-stick pan). *Stainless steel even better


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