Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Thai Style Agar-agar 泰国椰浆燕菜

琼脂粉(agar agar powder)12g,糖200g,水500g,椰浆500g;食用色素数滴;果冻模数个(或大盘或其他容器一个)

  1、琼脂粉(agar agar powder)6g与糖100 g,水500g一同入小锅,煮至糖溶解,加入食用色素数滴,倒入碗中,碗以大锅热水小火保温;
  2、琼脂粉(agar agar powder)6g与糖100 g,椰浆500g一同入小锅,煮至糖溶解,倒入另一个碗中,碗同样以大锅热水小火保温;

这是我在网上看到的版本... 材料的成分我更改了一些...
由于我赶着去上课,并没有一层一层地做... 不好意思哦!呵呵~

Monday, October 5, 2009

Char Siew Pao's Meat 叉烧包内馅

1. Season meat with with five spices powder, sugar, black kicap & light kicap, pinch of salt.
2. Fry on non stick pan or bake in oven about 25 mins.

1. Buy Char Siew and cut into small pieces...
2. Put little oil in flying pan, fry in with some wheat flour, add in black kicap & light kicap, oyster sauce and sugar to taste the taste you want.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Satay Chicken

Ingredients: Chicken tenderloin, chicken drumstick, kunyit, salt , sugar, lemon grass

1. Cut the chicken tenderloin and chicken drumstick into small pieces, around 2cm long each.
2. Season with kunyit, salt , sugar, lemon grass.
3. String up the meat with the stick.
4. Preheat a barbecue grill or chargrill on medium. Spray skewers with oil. Cook for 6 minutes, turning, or until cooked. Place skewers on plates and drizzle with satay mixture.

Mummy Homemade Chicken Wings

Ingredients: 10 chicken wings, sugar, salt, soy sauce, five spice powder, lime or lemon.

1. Season the chicken wings with 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of soy sauce, 1 teaspoon of five spice powder, 2 lime or 1 lemon.
2. Barbeque the chicken or put in the over for 175C heat for 25 minutes.

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